How do you collect data in your speech room? I know there are MANY answers to this question. I’ve seen dozens of data sheets and forms on TPT. I have at least 25 different forms in a folder on my computer and I’ve yet to find the one system that works well for all my students’ goals. This year I’m trying something new. It seems to be working really well. Come on in and we’ll talk about it some more.
This is my Thursday set of Speech Therapy Binders. Thursdays are my busiest days so I had to break the original binder in to an AM and PM version. The first few pages of each binder are the same. I’ve included a copy of my schedule for that day, a school calendar so I can quickly remember which students are off track,
and a copy of Perkilou’s Percentages – Quick Reference Guide.
Then each time period is identified with a divider.
Each student has a file review sheet from Jenna over at SpeechRoomNews,
an attendance calendar from Natalie Snyders,
and a data sheet with their identifying information and goals printed at the top.
All of the information on the goal page is what is required by my district. I was very lucky this year and I did not have to create these. My pal Melanie worked for me over the first part of the year round calendar so that I could attend New Teacher Orientation meetings. She was so kind and got me set up this school year.
Each group of students has a binder envelope
for their Sweet Speech sticker charts and any games, activities, or worksheets we might be using for the speech sessions.
This system worked exptrememely well for me this past week. I was in training all day Wednesday and Thursday. My district was able to arrange for an SLP substitute to come in on Thursday. Instead of having to write sub plans for her, I just prepared the folders for each group and left her a note letting her know which students were off track. SIMPLE! And she emailed me, complimenting me on the organization I had. Score!
I’m working on it! Thanks for the info.